So I haven't posted for a while and I haven't doodled for a while, but then I found myself working on a completely unrealted image 5 minutes ago so thought I would post it here.

On another note Rich/Guy has worked on a couple of films recently that have been recieving awards all over the shop. Namely Joyets by Magda Osinska and Stand Up by Joe Pierce. Stand Up just beat Run Wrake and the Bravia Bunnies at the Rushes Soho Shorts Fest. Woo hopefully that means he has some sort of magical power that helps the film. Here's hoping :D By the way they are both great films so that does help.

On another note Rich/Guy has worked on a couple of films recently that have been recieving awards all over the shop. Namely Joyets by Magda Osinska and Stand Up by Joe Pierce. Stand Up just beat Run Wrake and the Bravia Bunnies at the Rushes Soho Shorts Fest. Woo hopefully that means he has some sort of magical power that helps the film. Here's hoping :D By the way they are both great films so that does help.